With a 30 year history, TNMRC is the largest DFW area permanent layout. The club is located in a business park at 11999 Plano Road, #154, Dallas TX 75243. It contains a 1760 SqFt HO layout running both DC and DCC, and a smaller DCC N scale layout. Thursdays evenings are popular for members to run trains and socialize. Tuesday evenings the club has TNMRC-RAILOPS sessions for prototype industry switching. And of course the club is available 24/7 for all members.
TNMRC has over 80 members making it one of the largest model train clubs in Texas. The club is known for exceptional track work, maintenance, operations, and has 100% complete scenery.
The layout allows extremely long trains (over 200 cars) which is a favorite site for visitors of our many open houses. We are accepting new members and have a reduced dues option for folks living over 100 miles away who have frequent trips to the area.
ACCESS NOTE: We are not currently ADA accessible, as there is a 6 inch step up at the door (no ramp yet).
Some Jobs require duck-under (using optional stools to make it much easier), typically by the conductor.